This project is an investigation into how American, Chinese, and Finnish families conceptualize care within the family. Study questions include, how do parents socialize children to learn to care for family members within the family?
In collaboration with scholars in Texas, USA (Dr. Carla Brailey, Texas Southern University), São Paulo, Brazil (Drs. Luciana Maria Caetano and Betânia Alves Veiga Dell’ Agli, Universidade de São Paulo), and Seoul, South Korea (Dr. Young Hwa Kim, Seoul National University of Education), the MD lab is investigating young adults’ expectations for their future (e.g., childcare, career, and marriage plans), their social attitudes, and their reasons for their expectations.
从错误中学习 (合作研究;日誌研究;高等教育)
先前的研究指出美国 (Midgette, 2018) 与中国 (Liu & Midgette, 2020) 的青少年皆会反思他们的道德违犯事件并且试图制定出避免再犯相同行为的策略。该研究成果成功地为Greater Good in Education 网站的教师提供了一套线上课程计画。
本研究计画与广东外语外贸大学 Jianjin Liu 博士合作,奠基于上述研究成果,进一步探讨中国大学生在社会方面与道德方面的违犯行为,以及他们如何修正违犯行为。