Midgette, A., & Mulvey, K.L. (2022). White American students’ recognition of racial microaggressions in higher education. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. First Published Online. https:doi.org/10.1037/dhe0000391
Midgette, A., Coffman, J., & Hussong, A. (2022). What parents and children say when talking about children’s gratitude: A thematic analysis. Journal of Child and Family Studies. First Published Online. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-021-02222-9
McConnon, A., Midgette, A., & Conry-Murray, C. (2021). Mother like mothers and work like fathers: U.S. heterosexual college students’ assumptions about who should meet childcare and housework demands. Sex Roles. First Published Online. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-021-01252-3
Midgette, A., & D’Andrea, D. (2021). American heterosexual emerging adults’ reasoning about the fairness of household labor. Cognitive Development, 59, 101052. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogdev.2021.101052
Midgette, A., & Mulvey, K.L. (2021). Unpacking young adults’ experiences of race- and gender-based microaggressions. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 38(4) 1350-1370. https://doi.org/10.1177/0265407521988947
Midgette, A. (2020). Chinese and South Korean Families’ Conceptualizations of a Fair Household Labor Distribution. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(4), 1358-1377. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12673
Midgette, A. (2020). Chinese and South Korean Children’s Moral Reasoning Regarding the Fairness of a Gendered Household Labor Distribution. Developmental Psychology, 56(1), 91–102. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0000854
Abo-Zena, M.M., & Midgette, A. (2019). Developmental implications of children’s early religious and spiritual experiences in context: A Sociocultural Perspective. Religions, 10, 631. https://doi.org/3390/rel10110631
Noh, J.Y., & Midgette, A. (2018). Children’s and adolescents’ moral reasoning about the fairness of salary allocation based on gender and hierarchy. Korean Journal of Child Studies, 39(4), 107-115. https://doi.org/5723/kjcs.2018.39.4.107
Midgette, A., Ilten-Gee, R., Powers, D. W., Murata, A., & Nucci, L. (2018). Using lesson study in teacher professional development for domain based moral education. Journal of Moral Education,47(4), 498-518. https://doi.org/1080/03057240.2018.1445982
Midgette, A. (2018). Children’s strategies for self-correcting social & moral transgressions and personal Shortcomings: Implications for moral agency. Journal of Moral Education, 47(2), 231-247.https://doi.org/10/1080/03057240.2017.1396965
Midgette,A., Noh, J. Y., Lee, I. J., & Nucci, L. (2016). The development of Korean children’s and adolescents’ concepts of social convention. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(7), 918-928. https://doi.org/1177/0022022116655775