MD Lab Alumni

Marla Sarmiento (she/her/hers) was the first MD Lab Manager and worked with Dr. Midgette to get the lab established in the university/community. She has since transitioned to the University of Texas at Austin as a Research Associate for the Anxiety and Health Behaviors Lab and will continue to work towards graduate school.

Lawrence Liu (he/him/his), B.A., M.S is a recent Graduate of the Industrial-Organizational Psychology Masters Program at Texas A&M University. Lawrence joined the Moral Development Lab in August 2021. He is currently looking to further his career in industry.

Joo Young Lee (Brian) is a recent graduate from Texas A&M University and graduated with a major in Psychology (B.S.) in August 2022. Brian is currently working on getting into graduate school for a PhD in I/O Psychology.

Rakel Karvelsson-Haas is a recent graduate from Texas A&M and graduated with a major in Sociology and minoring in Psychology. Rakel will be working in a Behavioral Center while she transitions into graduate school for a PhD in Developmental Psychology.

Luis Compian, B.A. is a second-year undergraduate student at Texas A&M University, majoring in Psychology. Luis recently transitioned into another research lab to diversify his CV as his goal is to get a PhD in Clinical Psychology.

Kenneth Golden is a fourth-year undergraduate student majoring in Sociology. Kenneth is currently working on expanding his CV in other areas aside from research.

Massaro Ochoa (Mass) is a 3rd year undergraduate student at Texas A&M University who is pursuing a double major in Philosophy and Aerospace Engineering. Mass is currently interning with other programs around the community.

Yiming (Amelia) Wang (she/her/hers) is a recent graduate of Texas A&M University. She is currently working towards graduate school for a PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

Wendy Jiang is a junior Psychology major with a
minor in Economics. She is currently working on graduating early while acquiring experience in other parts of the field.